Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bonafide Bitch...

Pretty catchy don't you think? What I can't seem to understand is why anyone would want to consider themselves as a female dog. Apparently these days it's a fad for young women to degrade themselves. Let me remind you that ignorance is not bliss. When a young lady proclaims to me that they are a "straight up bitch" and fine with it, the first picture that comes to mind is a female dog licking her own vagina. I mean really, do you know the weight of your words? How senseless it sounds?

Let me put some meaning to what I would like to point out.
A "bitch" can be a noun or a verb, depending on how you use it. As a noun, it is referring to a female dog, or any carnivorous animal. Now I know you know that animals all lick themselves, have fleas, eat raw meat, and are wild. Try calling yourself a bitch and then picture yourself licking your own ass or someone else's.

As a verb it means, a lewd or immoral woman. Other verbs follow such as, malicious, overbearing, spiteful, unpleasant, deceitful, vindictive, and so on. If you don't know what these verbs are then seriously you need to go back to grammar school! Why would you want to be known as any of these?

Women have come too far through history only to be degraded by their own future. The problem is a lack of education with these young women. You obviously are getting many things mixed up. And I am talking to you who call yourself a "bitch". We have been living so long in a "man's world", many of your mothers and many matriarchs of the past have fought for you to have the right and the freedom to choose. They opposed and challenged the oppression of the cultures because they had a dream that one day you may have the chance to choose who to love, the career of your choice, and the freedom to speak, walk and dress as you please. Some have been killed, raped, beaten and tortured for these rights. But you spit on their blood, tears, and their sweat when you degrade yourself as such.

Here is a picture for you, it was a blessing to have sons not daughters. Father's used to marry off their daughters for dowry (money, or cows... or even a donkey). Women in the middle east, were forced to marry and if they got raped, it was their fault. Some other culture's in Africa and in the Middle East, when a girl had their first menstrual cycle, they would take her and they would cut her clitoris off. Why? Because a woman's place was to bear children, not to have sex for pleasure. Pretty cruel and graphic right? Well you better believe it! It is still happening today. There are sex trades still going on all over the world, and what these girls and women would give to have what you have. They are called names such as "bitch" and they are treated like animals. And here you are calling yourself that except you choose to be called that. Girls as young at 5 years old are being sold into the sex trade and they are taught to be like animals and to be experts in sex to make a few pennies every customer. No one wants to speak for them because its shameful, society is ashamed of it. Because they are "bitches"... What? That's what you want to be called. Right? You want her life?

Women had no voice or place, in the early 1900's a group of women marched to have the right to vote in America, regardless of that fact some women were beaten because it was a threat. Other women are victims of abuse and they are consistently called "bitch", yet they live in fear for their lives and the lives of their children. Yet, here you are calling yourself a "bitch". You have no idea what oppression and ordeals women have gone through. I can tell you many torturous events that different women from all around the world have endured. Yet here you are, calling yourself a "bitch". Why now would you degrade yourself?

You must empower yourself to submerge from the ignorance of what you think you know and learn your facts, your history, your identity so that you can empower others and change this world! You young ladies may be mixing up the words classy for trashy. Think twice before you call yourself or someone else a bitch. The things that you are capable of!

Your self confidence is a mirror image of what you feel about yourself. Women who changed the world empowered others and made sacrifices for their children. And I am talking about the future in general.
I hope you can change your thought process and start referring to yourself as anything other than bitch, stop degrading yourself and other women.

Woman! You are God's masterpiece, unique in your own way
In all your imperfections you were molded out of tears and dirt
Salt was added to your soul so that you can deal with life's bitterness
You emerged in your beauty, spreading your wings
Mesmerizing in your grace
Even in your sadness, your face is flawless
Men will never understand the depth of your love
Though your shoulders are sleek and slender
They were meant to carry burdens
You lips soft as silk so that the words you speak
They become glitter and gold or they can be brimstone and fire.
Your customized personalities, they bring the colors of the rainbow to Earth
Your touch can turn adversity into prosperity or prosperity into adversity
Because you are a woman
But you walk with your veil down waiting in vain...