Thursday, October 13, 2011

On Discouragement.

When you embark on a journey or take a path of some sort, it's only human for us to seek out acceptance and support. And usually if the idea does not jive with what many are comfortable with or used too, a lot of discouragement will follow. It takes a person with a strong mental perception or a person that has an "I don't care what you think" attitude to break the barriers of discouragement and run free with vibrant colors of success. This group of people represents the 3% of wealthy and successful people in this world. What about the other 97%? Sad enough, we let discouragement and what others say restrict us from embarking and completing the journey that we set out to do.

The funny thing about this is that, a random stranger will not be your oppressor, it will most likely be those who are most closest to you. Your friends, your mentors, and even sad enough, your own family members. Ask yourself this, have you ever had a dream so big that when you shared it with someone that you looked up to and valued what they thought they turned around and told you to "come down from the clouds" or even "stop dreaming"? That is why 97% of our world is living in poverty. The cemetery is filling up and is becoming the most largest and wealthiest industry in real estate. Why? That's where all your dreams are buried along with you in a matter of years. No one lives forever, so why do we care so much about what other's say?

I learned that you can never dream too big. Impossible is not a word for a man/woman who makes things possible. Impossible is a word spoken by those who bound themselves in shackles and chain it to the zombie-like lifestyle that they chose to live in. So why would you take advice from someone who is living a zombie lifestyle? I have had my fair share of discouragements and I still get discouraged, but I don't let that stop me. I use it as motivation to move me to become more than what others expected. To do more than what others expect me to do. To make impossible, possible. But trust, it is a learning experience attached to patience and perseverance. I didn't just know all this, I had to do my due diligence and learn through a process of trial and error.

Your journey into doing something that is greater than yourself, your service to others, it will bring a lot of discouragement, jealousy, envy, and every other negative emotion you can think of. This is the test that we all must face and endure. How we come out of it, now that is what makes winners and breaks the losers.

My advice towards all who get discouraged is to keep doing no matter what. Screw it up as much as you can so you learn from it. Have faith in what you do and SELL YOURSELF OUT ON WHAT YOU DO. Pray often and spread that wealth, teach so others may learn. The return on investments will be awesome. Also tithe. Ask me how you can prosper, my answer, read the Old Testament

Malachi 3:1-24

Read this chapter thoroughly. An underline covenant was made for the sons of Levi. You will find your answer here. Explaining to you that everything that we have here on Earth, we are given through God's graces. We are merely custodians.

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me in this, says the Lord of hosts: Shall I not open for you the floodgates of heaven, to pour down blessing upon you without measure? For your sake I will forbid the locusts to destroy your crops; And the vine in the field will not be barren, says the Lord of hosts." Malachi 3:10-11

Tithe consistently your 10% of your hard earned work to honor God. But remember, God is NOT a business transaction. That is why I urge you to read the whole chapter.

Anyhow, my point is make God a big part of your business or your journey. All things are possible with Him and with Him you will be able to endure all discouragement. So with this, I bid you well on your journey in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment in life.

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