Monday, June 11, 2012

The Voices they Speak...

In that moment of doing something outside of your comfort zone, and the talking in your head gets deafening. Here you are at the edge and you're ready to take that jump and GO ALL OUT and just do it, but then, "don't do it, it's a bad idea!" "Oh my gosh are you serious?! You're really going to do it!" "NO GUTS NO GLORY!" "go go go go go go go! it's now or never" "yeah sure its now or never watch you get shut down." "oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!!" "why did i get myself into this in the first place?" "what the hell just get it done with" "this is not a good idea, this is so not a good idea" "and we are still walking, i guess this is it, get it over with and then we can just drink to it later." "die now talk later." "we really need this you know that." "crap! just shut up and do it! don't chicken out!" "oh buddy we are starting to shake, abort mission before its too late..." "who will attend my funeral after this" "just think of it this way, what is the worse they can say, yes or no, it's simple." "but what if they say NO!" ".........."

Every sentence overlapping the next, trying it's best to block out the other and all there is that is left is confusion and the need to scream out JUST SHUT UP!! Ah, it's normal. All the voices going on upstairs, yeah, completely normal, unless of course those voices are telling you to kill people. Yeah... Seek some professional guidance for that if anything. I don't know about you but I am plagued with these voices as well. In every single decision made, in every event about to happen, yeah they come with me everywhere and they love to impose on me what is best and what is not. I am still learning to be "selective" with my hearing. We all have voices that talk to us, it's called the conscious. The conscious is not one, its MANY. I am not trying to get psychological with you and I am definitely not going to drop any fancy terms. One thing that I have learned is to listen to the "right voice". It usually is the most soft spoken voice of them all, I call it my true voice. It's that voice that speaks to me in few words but in different volumes and levels. How can you tell the difference you may ask. Simple, through prayer. Maybe in another blog I will elaborate further on prayer.

Can you imagine how many dreams and lives shattered from listening to those intoxicating voices in your head? These voices they speak many languages and come in different tones and volumes. It's like seeing yourself in the mirror but having various different personalities, each conforming to a voice of it's own, telling you or suggesting to you what to do, manipulating every thought into a tone of voice. Which one do you usually listen too? It's ironic, I have always been told to listen to my intuition and/or my conscious. But what I have learned that I would tell people is, "learn to listen to the right voice." That voice that connects your heart to your head, your logic. And then act on it. What good is a choice if you just thought about it and not acted on it. I always get caught in this net. Deterring what I know is right and will work or what could have prevented events or sparked it but didn't do it due to paralysis from fear of being judged.

In conclusion, if you're having this issue of many voices impeding on your actions, trust me you don't need medication for that. All you need is a quiet spot, lots of air, maybe music that is relaxing, and then you breathe, just concentrate on your breathing in and out. It really does help. Everyone is different, so your voices won't always be what others are hearing in their heads. But it's amazing when you find people who have the same aligned vision, it just means that on another level that many don't quite understand, our true voices were already in conversation with each other waiting on the right time to physically meet due to events and situations that had to happen first in order to make the meeting mutual in order for discovery to happen.

On this journey, I am learning and growing still. Learning more about myself and choosing to working on me a lot harder is the key. The door knob is connecting to a higher power and learning how to listen intently and being able to comprehend that message. Together it will open doors. Those voices, they will speak to you. I use them to my advantage, they are like my council, my board members. Each one with something to bring to the table, each one with something to consider. In the end, the last voice to speak, is from the direct connection to God. From there free will through choice is what determines my outcome. It's a goal in progress. So once again, what voices do you listen too? When you talk to one voice or listen to it consistently, eventually it will be the only voice you hear and what ends up happening is you become your voice, your personality and your character conforms to that voice. It's the underline fact of the power of your words. You are who you speak.

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