Friday, September 9, 2011

My PD Booklist

What's all this personal development stuff about anyway, some of you may ask?
It's a journey of wellness and enhancement. It is considered the whole wellbeing of your soul, body, and your mind, in however order you would like to be. It is total satisfaction and self achievement.  Basically it's not something you can buy at the store or get from someone else through word of mouth. It's a course of a lifetime of learning. It's something that our education system is "lacking". It teaches wealth principles, it gives you the soul filling stuff, the why you should be healthy inside and out.

Anyhow, that's a topic for another time, but here are the books that I am reading that are my favorites in personal development. Most likely the books I've read more than once.

1. The Secret; Rhonda Bines
I don't really care what you think about this book, this book is worth more than GOLD. I think I may need to buy a new one because the one I have is all scribbled on, pages are almost worn... I also downloaded the dvd. Wisdom is by far more than any riches that you may possibly endure. However, everything that you need to set you off on the right path is here in this book. Your brain is a powerful thing. I don't have any words to justify this book. If you don't understand it then I think you need to re-evaluate yourself and take an assessment on your priorities. Those who are ready to know the truth will understand it and accept it, and the truth will be hidden to those who are not ready. You have to be hungry enough to want and need to change in order for you to understand this book. This book is useless if its read for leisure.

2. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind; T. Harv Eker
You trying to get out of debt? Pick this book up, so far it's helped me change my mindset about money and also helped me eliminate most of my horrific outstanding debt. I am now currently in rebuilding my credit status thanks to this book.

3. The Compassionate Samurai; Brian Klemmer
Ok so this is my ultimate "personal development coach". You want to know what kicked most of my bad habits? This book. My weight loss is currently underway because of this book. I love how Brian Klemmer uses Christian based theories infusing them into real life situations to help me relate to my life. It has also given me a new found appreciation for the honor and codes of a Samurai warrior.

4. The Millionaire Next Door; Stanley/Danko
Did you know that it's not true what they say about the wealthy? And that rich and wealthy are two absolutely different things? Coming out from poverty and middle class, my mindset was as such that everyone that I knew didn't like wealthy people for no apparent reason other than the fact that they were... well... wealthy. No one cared to read a biography of what they did to get to where they are, or even cared to ask what they went through, or maybe even the fact that they established so many charities and organizations to help the less fortunate. Well, I was recommended this book to take a closer look at some of the lives of "wealthy" individuals and their families. I study it carefully to understand mannerisms, and also to change my ideas that were instilled in me at such a young age about wealthy people. Ok so what's the difference? I learned from a wealth mentor of mine that the rich can still count their money and wealthy can no longer count their money. Pretty cool huh? Too bad they don't teach wealth principles in schools and are taking God out of the classrooms. Just wanted to add my punchline...

5. If You THINK you CAN!; TJ Hoisington
I have had the privilege and honor of meeting with the author of this book which was endorsed by Harland C. Stonecipher and Pre Paid Legal, a membership that I believe everyone should have. You are probably wondering how I have lawyers, well, here is your answer. If you want to know more just let me know, I would love to sit and tell you more about how you can get your own lawyers. Anyhow this book is an amazing motivator. For all of you that think that you can't, did you know that your mind is the most powerful organ in your body? What you think and put out is what you're going to receive back given the amount of action you put into it. If you don't get it then I suggest you pick up book suggestion number 1.

Ok so these are my top 5 and that is all I am going to share with you. If you don't like to read, there are audios, but reading will help your reading comprehension skills and your understanding. Just saying. I am a big supporter of education. I am not wealthy in possessions yet, my wealth in my knowledge is compiling and building. My mind has to match my income, you know what I mean. Thus lottery winners going broke after a while. So please share some books with me if you don't mind. Any book that you would consider as great personal development reads, I am always open for new ideas. Now some books are hard reads but they all say the same thing and have a common goal. These authors want to help you become wealthy. Now the question to ask yourself is, "why?". That answer I will leave for you to find. Can't expect to get everything handed to you on a silver platter, you have to work for it.

I am a reader, and I am applying as I go along. It's a process and not an overnight deal. Rome was not built in a day and neither was the pyramids, however a lot of people still like to sail their ship on the that river called "da nile"... Haha! My first step was actually taking ownership and responsibility for all my actions and quitting the blame game.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read! Be blessed in all your endeavors, and may they be beneficial and not disastrous.

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